Sunday 28 June 2015

Becky Bites Off Too Much?

Becky is the kind of girl that can bite off more than she can chew. She gets a lot more than she bargained for here...


  1. Fantastic work. Hope we will see her in action with those two cocks in a small set.

  2. I keep going to John Person's site I keep waiting to see scene with Becky, but I would also like to see current events in C Knockers progress, Cant wait to see where ur going with it. I wonder if u had ur own paysite, things would move faster....

  3. Making a small set of Becky might happen. She has a new story coming, hopefully soon, and that always motivates me. It's hard for me to manage my time as I have a lot of projects on the go, but I always enjoy working on my blog.

    I still have plans to bring Becky into the CK universe. There's still a lot more story I need to complete before she gets going though. There's a lot of stuff coming up and I'm trying to make more story faster and focus less on the details.

    I've considered setting up my own paysite, but it would be non-interracial and so it would not include CK. I'm very happy working for, but I do have interests I want to explore outside of interracial and a new site would be needed for that.

    1. Are there somewhere more excisting pics of Becky? It would be so nice seeing her in e few hot sets. I thought you would create a Congress man set. Have only seen a few pics. :-( I'm not a member on other sites. If somewhere are more pics of Becky, please let me know. She is my favorite girl of yours. She is really a very hot secretary in my eyes and she could look very sexy in pretty3d's Hot Teacher outfit. .... btw I know you are very busy but if time permits please let me know your interst in a collaboration set. Your Becky with one of my male characters ... :-)

    2. I did a few pics of Becky for, but no full sets. Overall not a lot of Becky pics were done, but I do like her. I'll try to work her into more pics and ultimately a full set would be the dream. I think she would look great in a hot teacher outfit :-). What do you mean by a collaboration set? How would it work?

    3. Do you have an email account? I would like to send you an email later then, to tell you exactly what I mean. :-)

  4. Sounds cool! If it happens. I would be one of your first members.

    1. Thank you! It's a nice boost to reaffirm my direction when people support what I'm working on. It means so much to me because if people did not enjoy what I create I would never have come this far or continued making erotic art.
